The Medway Public Library will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 21, at 10 AM.
I. Guide to Library Rules & Services LOANS & RENEWALS
REQUESTS: You may request items that are out or not owned by us. We will email or call you when they come in. Please pick items promptly within 7 days. MEDWAY LIBRARY OUTREACH: This free program serves homebound Medway residents of retirement or nursing facilities, as well as individual homebound Medway residents of all ages. A librarian will coordinate the delivery of books and other circulating library items. Monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly delivery schedules will be arranged for participants. Call the Library: 508-533-3217. PUBLIC COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS We offer several public accessible computers that provide:
II. Computer Use and Public Internet Access (approved 12/4/2018, amended 5/7/19 and 6/11/19) In keeping with its mission and with advances in information technology, Medway Public Library provides the community with access to the Internet to enhance the Library's existing collection and to provide access to resources available only on the Internet. These resources include information from a wide variety of government, academic, cultural, scientific, educational, business and recreational sources. The Library has no control over the information accessed and cannot guarantee the content, timeliness, and accuracy of Internet resources beyond those listed on the Medway Public Library web site. The Library does not filter access to the Internet. Parents or guardians, not the Library staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children's Internet sessions. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damages resulting from use of the Library's computers or the Library's connection to the Internet, nor can it guarantee privacy of any Internet sessions. The Medway Public Library reserves the right to suspend a patron's privilege to use the Internet due to illegal or unethical use of the Internet or for any violation of policy or rules for use. Rules for Use: By using a public Internet workstation at the Medway Public Library, you agree to the following guidelines. Printing is available for a fee. Downloading: Users must provide their own storage devices. Assistance: Library staff members are available to assist users in finding resources, but are not able to provide in-depth Internet instruction. Prohibited Uses: Illegal, unethical or abusive use of the Internet is not permitted. Such use includes, but is not limited to:
Violation of this policy may result in loss of Library privileges. Operating Policies
IV. Program Registration Policy (Medway Board of Library Trustees Approved 7/3/2012)
Collection Development Policy (Medway Board of Library Trustees Approved 3/1/22)
The Medway Public Library’s collection development goals reflect the principles of intellectual freedom based on the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement. Materials are added for all age groups, differing tastes, and varying viewpoints.
The library does not label or restrict the use of controversial materials. All responsibility for minors’ library use, including materials choices, rests with their parents or legal guardians.
Materials selection is driven by both patron demand and professional review media. In addition to materials that are popular, the library adds material that is relevant and well-reviewed. The library welcomes patron purchase requests, which are subject to the same selection criteria as standard purchases.
The Library’s selection goals are to:
The following criteria are considered when purchasing or adding materials.
Patron Demand
The Board of Trustees sets library policy, including the policy on collection development. The library director administers policy set by the Trustees, allocates the materials budget, and ensures that the collection is in conformity with the Collection Development policy.
The library director has primary responsibility for adult collection development. The children’s/YA librarian has primary responsibility for youth services collection development. All staff members are encouraged to recommend titles for purchase. All purchases are guided by the criteria outlined in this policy.
Usage responsibility lies with the user or the user’s legal guardian. The staff and Board of Trustees are not responsible for patrons’ material selection or use.
Professional book review sources regularly consulted include Library Journal,
School Library Journal, and Booklist. Library staff also consult various popular resources, including the New York Times Best Seller List.
The library does not usually purchase textbooks, novelty formats (such as pop-ups), abridged or condensed titles, or outmoded non-print formats. The library purchases materials that support the curricula of the Medway public schools and also supports curricular needs of local preschools, private schools, and homeschoolers. Special efforts are made to provide multiple copies of summer reading list titles.
The library provides unfiltered dedicated and wireless Internet access and provides access to research databases provided through the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC). Additional databases will be selected that support the library’s mission and fit with selection criteria. Database renewals will be assessed yearly.
Special collections: The library collects historical and/or genealogical materials of significance to Medway. The library does not usually collect general historical materials that are unrelated to Medway.
The library appreciates gifts and accepts book and non-print material donations in good condition, and will either add these items (according to the selection criteria outlined at the beginning of this policy) or will convey donations to the Friends of the Medway Library for their book sale or subsequent disposal.
The library reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the addition or disposal of gift materials. The library is unable to provide donors with an estimate of the value of their donated materials. The library reserves the right to decline a gift or donation.
Just as materials are regularly added, they are also regularly weeded using the CREW (Continuous Review Evaluation Weeding) method. The library’s mission is to provide dynamic collections, not to serve as an archival institution (except in the case of Special Collections materials). This requires continuous review and evaluation to offer fresh, current, accurate materials.
Items no longer belong in the collection if they:
Withdrawn materials are conveyed to the Friends of the Medway Library for their book sale or their donation to another organization.
Patrons who wish to object to the addition or exclusion of any items in the library’s collection may address the matter to the director. The library director will address the issue with the patron and clarify the collection development policy.
If the patron who is a resident of Medway wishes to file a formal complaint, they may submit a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form (see appendix) to the director. The library director will decide the disposition of the material, and will provide the Board of Trustees and the patron with a written explanation for the decision within a reasonable amount of time. Materials subject to this review will not be removed from circulation during the review period.
Appendix: Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________
Contact information:
Phone number: Email address:
Mailing address:
Please provide the following information about the item you would like to be reconsidered:
Format (book, magazine, DVD, etc.):
Publisher and year of publication:
What brought this resource to your attention?
Have you examined the entire resource? If not, what sections did you review?
What concerns you about the resource?
Are there other resources you would suggest to provide other information or viewpoints on this topic?
Please indicate whether you are filing this request
Signature: _________________________________________