The Library has a variety of accessible rooms available for use by reservation. These include:

  • Subdividable multifunction room (capacity 100) with stage area and movie screen
  • Conference Room (Capacity 12 at the tables, plus 8 seats on the side)
  • Story Room (limited use)

Complete the Room Use Application online, or print the Room Use Application Form to complete and submit at the Library. Forms are also available at the Library circulation desk. Applications will be approved according to space availability, and applicants will be notified if a conflict prevents them from using the requested space.

As part of the application process, applicants must read and agree to the Room Use Policy, available below and at the Library.

Medway Public Library Room Use Policy           (Approved April 5, 2011)


The purpose of this policy is to outline the use of the Library’s conference/meeting spaces by persons, groups and organizations.


The Medway Public Library encourages the widest possible use of its conference/meeting spaces and will ensure their availability for informational, educational, cultural and recreational activities. Use of the rooms for Library purposes shall take precedence over all other uses.

Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Library Director or Board of Library Trustees.

Rooms are booked on a first come, first served basis.

Conditions of Use

  • All groups seeking to use a room must complete and submit an application form for each requested use of a room.  An adult representative of the group must request use of the room and fill out the application form. By signing the form the applicant
    • Agrees that the rules for use has been read and understood.
    • Accepts financial responsibility for any damage or theft of any library property caused by members or guests of the group/organization
  • Reservations shall be made through the Library Director or his/her designee and may be made up to a year in advance.
  • Groups shall, at their own expense, procure any necessary license or permit.
  • Groups using meeting rooms may arrange the available tables and chairs as they choose, provided that all pieces of furniture are returned to their original positions at the close of the meeting/event. Groups who leave space in disorder will be prohibited from future reservations.
  • Light refreshments may be served.  No food is allowed outside of the rooms or to be left on the premises.  Intrusion of any group activities into other areas is not allowed.  Groups are responsible for cleaning up after use.
  • State law prohibits smoking or the use of alcohol in public buildings.
  • No open flame is permitted at any time.
  • No posters, decorations or other items may be displayed on room walls, furniture or glass without prior approval by the Library Director.
  • The group is responsible for security, safety and behavior of the group. Children must be supervised by adults at all times.
  • Meetings or gatherings of any kind that would interfere with the Library’s operation will not be permitted.
  • If a meeting is cancelled the Library should be notified promptly.
  • Use of the Library’s meeting rooms does not constitute endorsement of the subject matter or viewpoints presented by the participants.
  • The Town of Medway, the Library staff, and the Board of Trustees assume no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage incurred by any group/org while using library facilities.
  • Groups using meeting rooms agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Medway Public Library, Town of Medway, their officers, agents and representatives, from any and all lawsuits, actions, claims, or demands of any nature arising out of or brought on account of any injuries or damages sustained by any person as a consequence or result of the use of the room, its furnishings or its equipment.

Room Fees

A fee per “booking date” will be charged for all private, individual or “for profit” activities, except organizations that qualify for a fee waiver. Waivers apply to those funded primarily through donations, fundraising or membership dues. A “booking date” is any period up to four hours.

Room Use Hours

With the exception of the Library, the meeting rooms may be used only during hours the Library is open to the public. All meeting room activities must conclude 15 minutes before closing-time. Groups needing additional setup time should allow for it in their reservations.


Equipment available for use in the Library meeting rooms is listed on the reservation form. Requests for use of the equipment must be made when reserving the room.

Updated 8/30/2013